You will need to finish as fast possible (your score is your time) :
Run 300m (1000 feet) on the 30m (100 ft) course
Farmer carry 300m (1000 feet) on the 30m (100 ft) course
Run 300m (1000 feet) on the 30m (100 ft) course
Farmer carry 300m (1000 feet) on the 30m (100 ft) course
Run 300m (1000 feet) on the 30m (100 ft) course
To set your 30m (100) feet course please watch carefully the instructions in the video. The most important part is that your turning point is big and visible on camera.
You will need to video tape your performance to be eligible for prizes.
At the end of your video we need to see your time.
Category with equipment : you can use F5RCE short ropes or your own as long as they are a minimum of 1,5 inch (38mm) thick
Category no equipment : you can use the home made short ropes.
No score card this week.
Don’t forget to enter your scores before Thursday 12 pm eastern time.